Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Heart Mexicans

I don't consider myself to be particularly racist.  I mean, I pass copious amounts of judgement on people based on their ethnic background but...racist?   That's some strong language - until now.

I'm obsessed with Mexican Coke.  Not cocaine you partying fool:  Coca Cola.  The Coca Cola that is bottled in Mexico is far superior to the stuff made in America, certainly the United Kingdom, and God love me if I ever get near an Indian Coke.  But Mexican?  I'll take it.  And on a hot day?  I'll take TWO.

Two Mexicans, por favor.  Por que?  (that's "why" in Spanish - just in case you thought I was speaking in tongues...or code).  Because it is made with SUGAR or AZUCAR to use the language of my new best friends.  Corn Syrup - worse then any Moonshine your daddy used to drink - is the lead player in American Coke.  Yeah, that's the main ingredient in the "Secret Formula" they keep going on about.  Hence why it leaves that awful coating on your teeth, that acidic sensation in your tummy, and that layer around your middle if (got forbid) you make it a habit.  

But Mexican Coke?  First ingredient:  SUGAR.  Something found in nature (as opposed to a lab).  It tastes like American Coke but...better.  Lighter.  Like a Pimm's Cup but more familiar.  And refreshing...God is it refreshing!  Straight out of the fridge is pretty f'ing good or you can dress it up on the rocks with a wedge of lemon if you really want to blow your socks off.  

Now is the time to put down your Santa Cruz Natural, your Reed's Ginger Beer, your fill-in-the-health-food-store-soda-blank down and race to the closest deli, bodega, or supermercado and stock up before the mercury hits 90 (again).  It's like sensory air conditioning.   And, I mean, Mexico is pretty hot so they'd know how to make a refreshing beverage down there, right?


Coca Cola:  La bebida numera una de Mexico - y ahora, America!  Salud!

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