Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Awakening

God damn it I'm horny.  This time of year always makes me crazy...and with a boyfriend in Ghana (not all the time, please, he does actually live in the States - and yes, I did just say "The States") I can easily be classified as Desperaux.  

I'm regressing with each passing day...returning to my adolescent days of chronic masturbation and prolonged eye contact with boys leading to nothing (except early stages of carpel tunnel perhaps).  I blame Spring.  Just because I live in Los Angeles where it's Spring everyday of the fucking year doesn't mean I don't still feel the push and pull of of the Big Four.  It's a little more subtle but there are three, clear, red flags that Spring is upon me (or in me, if you will). 

1.0  The Jacarandas - trees I ignore all year long burst into purple blossoms and rain petals like something from a Disney cartoon...or nature. 
2.0  My ability to find the biggest car crash of a human being attractive sans alcohol (e.g. there's a picture of Mel Gibson going around the web right now.  I think it's supposed to scare me but I immediately shot up on a lady geyser upon seeing that homo erectus with that Jew hating look in his eye...beard burn?  I'll take it!)  
3.0  The gin and tonic.

Back in the day, I lived in an apartment building called The Barcelona (the awning would remind you in case you forgot) along with one of my best pals, nickname:  Fahx.  Come springtime, circa 5pm, I would go a'knocking at Fahx's door in search of gin.  He had the Sapphire (our pick at the time) and, more importantly, the secret weapon:  Elderflower Syrup... from Ikea.  A tablespoon of this special treat, a couple of fingers of Sapphire, some TJ's tonic and it tasted like we were actually drinking Spring. 

Every night after I teach class I think I'd like to have one of these, but I no longer live in The Barcelona.  So plans have to be made, texts sent, and spontaneity abandoned.  Sometimes we still get together for homemade G&Ts, but more often than not I'll get my fix at The Hungry Cat in Hollywood.  It's a wee bit pricey, sure, but I tasted Spring there recently...and for $12?  It was a hell of  a lot easier than trying to fuck a jacaranda.

Run don't walk!

The Hungry Cat
1535 North Vine
Hollywood, CA  90028

final word:  The food is great, yes, but the cocktails are some of the best in town.  Trust your bartender.  The daily specials - at this time of year - are guaranteed to sate any Springtime cravings (well, most).  
On my last visit I had a tangerine gin and tonic that almost made me weep.  They were kind enough to give me the recipe.*  Do it!

* A Midspring Dream
(from The Hungry Cat)

1.5 oz. of Plymouth Gin
1 oz. fresh lime juice
1 muddled tangerine
3/4 oz. simple syrup
splash of tonic

Put everything but the tonic in a low ball packed with ice.  Muddle to your heart's content, top with tonic, stir once and enjoy.    

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